Our current supported currencies include ETH, BTC, USDT, USDC, BADA, BAT, BBCH, BDOT, BETH, BLTC, BNB, BTCB, BUSD, BXRP, CAKE, COIIN, FREE, GMC, GMEE, INRT, LATOKEN, LEO, LINK, MATIC, MKR, PAX, PAXG, REVV, RMD, SAND, TRX, TUSD, UNI, WBNB, WBTC, and XCON. Stay tuned as we are continuously adding more coins to enhance your experience.
The list of blockchain networks we currently support are Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tron, Binance Smart Chain and Polygon. For exchange wallets we support all the networks which are supported by the exchange.
The standards that we support for Ethereum networks are ERC-20, ERC-1155, ERC-721.
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